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WCF and University of Turku shake hands to implement Finnish education in Vietnam

Since 2021, Wise Consulting Finland Oy partners with University of Turku to implement educational programs and activities, mainly in Vietnam. For the very first year of collaboration, the main activities lie in early childhood education and teacher education.

The University of Turku (UTU) is an internationally competitive university whose operations are based on high quality, multidisciplinary research. The university promotes education and free science and provides higher education that is based on research. UTU is an active contributor in the international academic community. For several years, UTU has reached Asia and Vietnam and offered quality education services to the area.

Wise Consulting Finland Oy (WCF) is a professional consultancy company with strong connection between Europe and Asia. WCF has a representative office in Hanoi, Vietnam since 2015, and offers variety of services for mainly Finnish and Vietnamese organizations, including: market research, study tour, Finnish school concept design and implementation, Finnish teacher recruitment, training and business promotion activities.

In early 2021, the two organizations have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to start collaboration projects in early childhood education and teacher training for Vietnamese teachers and students. One of the very first activities resulting from this collaboration is the virtual participation of UTU representatives in WCF’s meetings with National College for Education of Vietnam (NCE). NCE is the leading college offering early childhood educator training in Vietnam.

The collaboration between two Finnish organizations promises high-quality programs, projects and services that meet education demand in Vietnam.


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c/o MOW, Vuolteenkatu 1, FI-33100 Tampere, Finland

214 Tran Quang Khai str., Hoan Kiem dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

+358 (0) 40 722 0773

+84 (0) 24 3939 2442

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