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Future-Ready Education

A flagship virtual conference for K-12 school leaders, policy makers & those who are interested in educating students for the unknown future!

The 2021 virtual conference covered the following topic


How do International Baccalaureate and Finnish schools prepare their students and teachers for the unknown future?

12 Nov 2021

09:00 - 11:50 AM EET | 02:00 - 4:50 PM ICT

Meet the Keynote Speakers

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Mr. Olli-Pekka Heinonen

Director General

International Baccalaureate


What is future-ready education?

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Mrs. Anneli Rautiainen

Head of Innovation Unit

Finnish National Agency for Education


Future learning in the light of Finnish curriculum

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Dr. David Marsh


Marsh Education Design, Finland



Foresight and feedforward

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Stefanie Leong

Head of Development

Asia Pacific

International Baccalaureate



How do IB programs prepare students for the future?

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Adjunct Prof.
Kristiina Heikkilä

Head of Teacher Education Department

University of Turku


Finnish teacher education & professional development

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Prof. Kirsti Lonka

Director of Research Group for Educational Psychology

University of Helsinki



Moving towards the New Normal in Finnish teacher education

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Faizol Musa

Development & Recognition Manager, Vietnam & Bangladesh

International Baccalaureate 


Open an IB school in Vietnam

Meet Other Experts & Speakers

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Dr. Andy Nguyen

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Oulu



Emerging technologies in education

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Sanna Maria Manner


Vietnam-Finland International School (VFIS)


How has VFIS been established & developed?

Dr. Nhi Hoang

University Teacher

University of Eastern Finland



How to develop students’ transversal competencies

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Dr. Jussi Kajala

CEO, Co-founder




Integration of metaverse technology into future education

Dr. Tuija Niemi

Vice Principal

Turku Teacher Training School

​University of Turku


Hybrid learning environment

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Video Conference


The 2021 conference has ended. Leave your contact details and we will let you know when the registration for the next-year conference is open.

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Contact us

c/o MOW, Vuolteenkatu 1, FI-33100 Tampere, Finland

214 Tran Quang Khai str., Hoan Kiem dist., Hanoi, Vietnam

+358 (0) 40 722 0773

+84 (0) 24 3939 2442

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